One of our community members requested for me to talk about procrastination.
I had the opportunity to watch them cycle through a round of not doing tasks and then feeling really motivated to power through work and errands.
When we’re in a low spot, we can start to generate thoughts like:
Why am I not motivated?
I need to find motivation.
It’s a problem that I’m not getting anything done.
When we believe those thoughts, then we’re seeking solutions.
When we’re in a high spot, we generate thoughts like:
Wow, I love this motivation!
Today I’m getting all the things done.
This productivity is amazing for my life.
How do I keep replicating this?
There’s the thought trap though.
We start believing that we should almost always be motivated and productive.
We ignore what nature tells us over and over again.
Our patterns are cyclical.
We go through rounds of motivation and procrastination.
We made up the storyline that we’re supposed to be productive machines.
I know you’ve heard that before.
But are you catching when you’re living within that idea?
When I remember I’ve fallen into that thought trap, it evaporates.
And I can go back to following the rhythms and patterns in my life with more ease.
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