
Do you find yourself struggling to meditate?
Or believe you “should” be meditating more?

As a meditation teacher, I hear this issue a lot.

I like to think of this issue as two stages.

There’s the stage where it sounds like:
- I should meditate more.
- I know it’s good for me, why don’t I do it more?
- I really should make myself do that more.

Back in 2016, I basically forced myself to do the Headspace app every day for 365 days so I could earn the ultimate one-year badge.

But it’s way easier to get into this stage:
- Wow, I found a teacher I really like. I want to do this again.
- I want to meditate more.
- I’m looking forward to my next practice.

I watch a lot of people try to strive their way into the second stage or push it too far.

But what if it doesn’t have to be that difficult?

Maybe you’ve had this experience with exercise or another domain of life.

You experiment with finding what works for you. There’s all kinds of exercise you could be doing and plenty of people to tell you what you should be doing for exercise.

But what kind do you end up doing? The kind that you like.

I found a teacher and style that resonates with me in Scott Schwenk.

If you haven’t found your meditation style or teacher yet, keep experimenting.

It doesn’t have to be a grind.

(And did you hear Lil Jon came out with a meditation album? I’m too much of a millennial to not giggle my way through it.)

Who do you like for meditation?
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